Getting the support and information you need

Carers Week is vital to highlight the roles carers play.

Carers Week 2022 – What support is available to carers? Decorative Swirl

Carers Week is vital to highlight the roles carers play. The campaign is annual, raising awareness and highlighting challenges unpaid carers face.

A carer is anybody who is looking after a family member or friend who has a disability, mental or physical illness, addiction, or someone who needs extra help as they get older. Often people don’t view themselves as carers and therefore do not get the right information or support they need.

Getting more support
If you are a carer and need more information on carers assessments, breaks and respite care, benefits for carers, help for young carers, please visit the NHS website. There are also local support groups and services available, contact your local council and they will be able to provide you with more information.

Taking care of yourself
Caring for somebody else is physically and mentally hard, but it is so important to try and take time for yourself and meet your own needs. This is why it is vital to find out more about the support around you, there are many charities that provide different forms of support. If you find you are struggling to sleep well, manage your stress levels and keep fit, Rethink Mental Illness has resources on their website that can help.

Work and finances
Many carers will find themselves only being able to work minimal hours, or not able to work at all. You should speak to your company and find out what their policies and procedures are with regards to caring responsibilities. Charities such Age UK, Carers UK and other support charities can help with your finances and where you can access support.

If you are a carer and need more support or information, or if you are someone wanting to support this campaign please visit